Lemongrass Patcholi Soap - I just couldn't wait!

Well, the plan today was to open up all my tester bags and see which essential oil scent combinations that I liked. I opened the first one which was equal parts lemongrass and patcholi and I fell in love! So...I grabbed my oils and lye and decided to make a batch of this sweet smelling soap.


I decided this would be a perfect opportunity to try out my new mold that I got a few days back. I saw this online and couldn't resist buying it

I decided to use a slow moving recipe because I wasn't quite sure how these essential oils were going to react with my batter. Here's the recipe:

30% Olive oil
30% Canola oil
25% Lard
15% Coconut oil
Water at 33%
Superfat at 5%

I mixed up my oils and lye water and let them cool to room temperature. Then, I added equal parts of my lemongrass and patcholi to my oils and stirred them in. It smelled pretty good already! 

I added the lye water and stick blended for almost 10 minutes. Still a light trace, I ended up pouring this into my mold and resolved to leaving this for 2 days before unmolding. I did also give them a quick spray of rubbing alcohol One thing I never thought about was moving my filled mold. This silicone mold is VERY flexible. 

I ended up opening both ends of a cereal box and carefully slid the filled mold into the box. I then sealed the box with tape and carried it to my dining room table where it will sit for 48 hours. Yes...I will resist the urge to peek!!!! This one is gonna be hard because the scent smells so good! I'll make sure to post some pictures once this comes out of the mold. 


Unknown May 26, 2015 11:15 AM

These turned out so beautiful! I bet they smell amazing. I never thought of mixing Lemongrass and Patchouli. Yum!

Julie Boesen May 27, 2015 6:24 PM

Thanks - I absolutely LOVE this mold!! But...my impatience came with consequences. I don't think the soap was 100% done with saponification yet because it ashed all over the top. I have a new mantra...MUST LEARN PATIENCE...MUST LEARN PATIENCE!

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