Bath Bomb Fun

I had a really good time with my 9 year old making bath bombs this evening! This is our second go around with making them, but this time we made a few changes. First of all, we used some of the new essential oils that I bought. The second change was that I used rubbing alcohol instead of water to bind the balls. I saw someone do this online and thought it was worth giving a try.

First thing I did was have my son smell all the different scents. This was a fun experience in itself. There were some scents like pacholi that I was surprised he liked. Wow...this kid has a fun nose :)  After going back and forth between the 9 he liked, he decided we should make lemon and orange bath bombs. Sounds great kiddo! Let's do it!

We mixed our ingredients, put in our essential oils and then our color. My funny guy thought it would be a good idea to make the orange scented ones yellow and the lemon scented ones blue so that is exactly what we did. Then it was time for the rubbing alcohol. It actually worked pretty good until I it got near the end and I over-sprayed the mixture and it dried up. In fact, here's what happens when it dries and hardens too gets stuck in the bath bomb molds.

Ugh!!  We tried tapping the tops gently with a spoon. No dice. We then tried slamming on them with spoons to get the mixture out. Nope...that isn't working either. So, I think we'll just let them dry overnight and see if we can get them out in the morning. It was pretty funny watching each other trying to get these out. Giggles abound :)

Orange Scented Bath Bomb

Lemon Scented Bath Bomb

Then we decided to try to get a little fancy with our bombs. We put the two scents together into one bath bomb.

Fancy, huh?

Now the hardest part is going to be waiting until tomorrow to try one of them out! Honestly, I don't know who's more excited...him or me! The scents are AMAZING and really come out when you put them in water. Yes, we put a little of the mixture into the sink to test it out. Oh man....I think I'm really in love with essential oils!!!

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