Great Cakes Soapworks Ebru Challenge

It's that time again - another fun challenge from Great Cakes Soapworks! This month it's the Ebru challenge. Many Ebru art techniques are already being done in tons of soaps everyday so I feel pretty confident about finding something to spark my creativity.

There are some specific rules that need to be followed. I need to find an inspirational picture showing the technique of Ebru that I'm attemption to emulate. The soap must be created in a slab type mold and you can only use one bamboo skewer or chopstick to create your design.

Here are some of the images that I'm going back and forth between. The colors are great, but I will have to work with what I have available to me. I'm just looking at basic design concepts right now.


As I look at all these pictures, one thing is clear. Circles are something that I'm probably going to be using for my challenge. Now, as for what I'll do with the circles once I get them? LOL - that's something I'm not sure about yet. After talking with my husband last night I also know that I want to do a solid colored canvas. This will give me the maximum time possible with the top design so I can play as long as I need to in order to get it to look exactly like I want it to look.

I love the flowers and the possibilities that these bring. However, I am digging those whirlpool type swirls too! OMG, this is going to be impossible to choose between!!!!

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